For all scholarships listed below please apply using either the "Freshman/First-Time Scholarship Application" or "Continuing/Transfer Student Application" buttons.
For any scholarships that provide alternate contact information, please contact the listed party to learn how to apply for that scholarship.
Eligibility: Must be a full-time student majoring in marketing; must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a sophomore or junior enrolled in the NKU Honors Program.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Honors Program (859) 572-5530
Eligibility: Must be the child of an NKU staff member.
Amount: In-state tuition.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as a degree-seeking student; continuing students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA; must display financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); must be enrolled at least full time, or a minimum of 15 credit hours; preference will be given to a member in good standing with the Delta Zeta Sorority organization.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a child, sibling, grandchild, or spouse of a Northern Kentucky University graduate. Must be a full-time student (min. 12 credit hours a semester); must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher; must demonstrate they are an engaged member of the University community; must be sophomore standing or above. Alumni, who have previously earned bachelor, graduate, or doctoral degrees from NKU are not eligible.
Amount: Varies, determined by available funds
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Student must demonstrate good citizenship, knowledge of the democratic system and a commitment to community service.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Provide financial support to a student who majors in Physical Education. Student must have a declared major in Physical Education and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be the child or spouse of an NKU staff member.
Amount: In-state tuition for six credit hours.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a Kentucky resident majoring in elementary education; must be a degree-seeking junior or senior at NKU; must be enrolled full time.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a junior or senior education major with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher; must be a graduate of a high school in Boone, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Kenton, Owen or Pendleton County in Kentucky.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be an undergraduate or graduate student with a declared major or minor in Entrepreneurship. Undergraduate applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in the program and Graduate applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 in the program. All applicants must have two letters of recommendation from NKU faculty members.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a degree-seeking student with a minimum GPA of 3.0, a minimum ACT score of 23 or a minimum SAT score of 1050; must be a first generation student.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must have a commitment to service as well as a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. The service may come in the form of work in the community, in civic groups, in service organizations or in campus activities.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Provide financial support to a student who intends to teach Art Education. Student must have a declared major in Art Education and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a graduate of Williamsburg High School (Ohio) or Sycamore High School (Ohio). Must be admitted to NKU as a degree-seeking, first-time freshman. Must have a minimum ACT scorer of 20 and a high school GPA of 2.50 or higher.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a sophomore with a 3.0 GPA or higher and must be degree-seeking in a business field of study offered by Haile/US Bank College of Business.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must have a declared minor in Women and Gender Studies. Incoming students must have a minimum 23 ACT score. Continuing students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Preference will be given to female students meeting all other eligibility requirements.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a degree-seeking student with at least 12 semester hours; must be a graduate of Norwood High School; must maintain a 3.0 GPA and be in good standing with university standards; must display financial need.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a degree-seeking student with at least 12 semester hours; must be a graduate of Seton High School; must maintain a 3.0 GPA and be in good standing with university standards; must display financial need.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must have earned 90 or more credit hours (equivalent for classification as senior year). Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Must be majoring in STEM. Preference will be given to first generation college students.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a junior or senior majoring in mathematics; must have earned 24 credit hours in the previous academic year; must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and GPA of 3.0 in the mathematics major; must be a working student.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted as a degree-seeking student with a major in Geology; incoming students must have a minimum 23 ACT score; continuing students must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA; must demonstrate financial need as determined by the FAFSA.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be U.S. citizen residing in one of the follow Northern Kentucky counties: Kenton, Boone, Campbell, Grant, Pendleton, Bracken, Carroll, or Owen; Must demonstrate financial need as determined by the FAFSA; Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission through the Gateway2NKU program; must maintain good standing and a 2.5 cumulative GPA; must be a US citizen; must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and reside in one of the following counties: Kenton, Boone, Campbell, Grant, Pendleton, Bracken, Carroll or Owen; must display financial need as determined by the FAFSA; preference will be given to students who reside in the urban core (Northern Kentucky river cities and Florence).
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be admitted to NKU with a declared major in Nursing.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for enrollment in the Accelerated Bachelor of Science Nursing Program.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a junior or senior majoring in Management within the College of Business; must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher; must display financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a graduate of Scott High School.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted in the NKU Honors Program; must have a declared pre-major in the College of Business; must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours; must have at least a 3.50 cumulative GPA.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a United States military Vietnam Era veteran or spouse, child or grandchild of a living or deceased Vietnam Era veteran; Must have served between 1/1/59 and 5/7/75; must have served on active duty other than for initial active duty, active duty training, special active duty training for reserve or national guard forces; must be in good academic standing at NKU; must be accepted for enrollment at NKU; must attach form DD 214 to application.
Amount: $500.
Duration: One academic year excluding summer semester.
Eligibility: Must be a full-time degree-seeking student at NKU; must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as an undergraduate degree-seeking student at NKU and maintain a GPA of 3.5. Applicants must complete an essay. Preference will be given to students with sophomore status.
Recipient must agree to attend the Cincinnati Woman’s Club Scholarship Tea in September and the Cincinnati Woman’s Club scholarship dinner in October. Recipient must also agree to participate in the mentorship program of the Cincinnati Woman’s Club.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, renewable for up to 2 additional years if student meets the terms of the scholarship agreement.
Eligibility: Available to incoming freshmen students declaring majors in the following STEM disciplines: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Information Technology, Data Science, Electronics Engineering Technology, Environmental Science, Geology, Mathematics, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Mechatronics Engineering Technology, Neuroscience, Physics, Pre-Engineering, or Statistics.
Students must have 3.0 or higher high school GPA and score a 22 ACT Mathematics or 540 SAT Mathematics or higher.
Amount: Maximum of $3000 total towards tuition, books, and/or housing based on need.
Renewal Requirements:
Eligibility: Must be a senior in the Department of English with a grade point average of at least 3.25 with graduation planned for the upcoming academic year. Priority will be given to applicants in the Secondary Education track, but others are not excluded. Must submit a copy of your transcript (photocopy or printout acceptable), two letters of recommendation (at least one from a professor), and an explanation in 300 words or less of why you believe you should be awarded the Barbara Collier Scholarship.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be enrolled at Northern Kentucky University; must be a declared theatre major; must have minimum GPA of 3.0; must demonstrate excellence in theatre and dance performance.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: Varies.
To Apply: Department of Theatre and Dance (859) 572-6362
Eligibility: Must be enrolled at Northern Kentucky University; must be a declared construction management major; incoming students must have a minimum 23 ACT score; continuing students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year.
Eligibility: Must be a junior or senior chemistry major enrolled for at least 10 credit hours.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Department of Chemistry (859) 572-5409
Eligibility: Must have a declared major in music or theatre; must have successfully completed two semesters of coursework at NKU; must have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0; must demonstrate significant level of performance proficiency.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Music (859) 572-5421 and Theatre (859) 572-6362.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as an undergraduate degree-seeking student at Northern Kentucky University; Continuing students must be full time carrying at least 12 semester hours; Continuing students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA; Must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; Must document financial need by completing a FASFA; Preference will be given to a single woman and single parent 25 years of age or older.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year.
Eligibility: Must have declared a major in a STEM subject area. Must be a Kentucky Resident with a 2.5 GPA
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a full-time degree-seeking student with a minimum GPA of 2.5 with a declared major in nursing. Must be a resident of Campbell or Pendleton County in Kentucky and be a graduate of Dayton High School, Pendleton County High School, or Campbell County High School.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a high school graduate from the Commonwealth of Kentucky who graduated with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA; must live in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program; must have a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or better; must have no more than 6 hours of general studies to complete toward graduation; must be on track to complete program and graduate within three semesters.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: Final two semesters.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as a degree-seeking student; must have a declared major in Journalism and not also majoring in Advertising, Public Relations, or Marketing.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a degree-seeking student at Northern Kentucky University with sufficient credit hours to earn junior status; must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA; must be accepted into the Psychology major field of study program; must display financial need.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must satisfy the definition of handicapped as stated in the Americans with Disabilities Act; must have recommendation from high school counselor stating that the student is academically disadvantaged, preference being given to a disabled applicant; must be a graduate of Boone County or Conner high schools; must be an incoming freshman; Must be certified through Kentucky Bureau of Rehabilitation.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.50. Student must have completed 60 credit hours, 30 of which must have been completed at NKU. Student must have a declared major. Student must have attendance in the fall and spring semesters of the current academic year and completion of at least 18 credit hours over two semesters. Students must be enrolled full-time each semester which they use the scholarship. Student must not be holding any other full-tuition scholarships.
Amount: Full-tuition at in-state rates
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must have a declared major in Environmental Science: Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must have a declared major in Social Justice: Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a declared major in human services. Must be an undergraduate with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Students receiving tuition payment from institutional, state or federal sources are not eligible. Must display advocacy for human services.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted as a degree-seeking student at NKU, must be in good standing with the university
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be degree-seeking first-time freshman. must be a resident of Kentucky. Preference will be given to residents of Mason, Bracken and Fleming counties. Student must be a recipient of the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a student enrolled in the Haile/US Bank College of Business; must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be the son or daughter of a full-time faculty member of NKU, and must be an undergraduate student when the scholarship is in force.
Amount: In-state tuition.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Faculty Senate Office (859) 572-6400
Eligibility: First-time freshman students must have a major or pre-major in the College of Business and must have a minimum ACT score of 25 or equivalent SAT score. Continuing students must have a major or pre-major in the College of Business and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions
Eligibility: Must be admitted to NKU as a first-time freshman; must have an ACT composite score of 23 or higher, a class rank in the top 25%, and have a declared major or pre-major program in the College of Informatics.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be an entering freshman with a GPA of 2.0 or higher or a continuing student with a GPA of 2.75 or higher; must be enrolled full time; must demonstrate financial need.*
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be admitted into the NKU Honors Program; must have a major or pre-major in the College of Business; must have a minimum GPA of 3.5; must have completed at least three Honors Program courses; must have completed a minimum of 36 credit hours.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be enrolled as a degree-seeking student with specialization in Entrepreneurship; must be enrolled in three credit hours per semester and have a minimum GPA of 3.50 in the MBA program.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: Varies.
To Apply: Fifth Third Bank Entrepreneurship Institute
Eligibility: Must be majoring in teacher education. Must be completing student teaching clinical experience while receiving the scholarship. Must have a 3.0 GPA. Must submit a personal statement as part of their formal application. Preference will be given to a Campbell County High School graduate who demonstrates financial need as determined by the FAFSA.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be in good academic standing with the university and be registered with the office of disability services, visually impaired.
Amount: Varies
Duration: Varies
Eligibility: Must be admitted to Northern Kentucky University; incoming students must be in the top 25% of their class with an ACT composite score of 23+; continuing students must be enrolled full-time; continuing students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA; must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; must be a History major.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year
Eligibility: Must be admitted to Northern Kentucky University; incoming students must be in the top 25% of their class with an ACT composite score of 23+; continuing students must be enrolled full-time; continuing students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA; must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; must be a Social Work major.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year.
Eligibility: Must be an art, music or theatre major.
Amount: In-state tuition.
Duration: One academic year.
To Apply: Visual Arts (859) 572-5421, Music (859) 572-5421, or Theatre (859) 572-6362
Eligibility: Must be admitted to NKU through the Supported Higher Education Program (SHEP). Must complete the SHEP scholarship application for found of the College of Education and Human Services website. Preference will be given to a student who displays financial need as determined by the FAFSA.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be an education major enrolled in at least 12 credit hours.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year.
Eligibility: Must major in biological sciences or are pre-med track eligible. Incoming students must have a 23 ACT score and continuing students must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Must display financial need as determined by the FAFSA. Preference will be given to female students who qualify as post-traditional.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a full-time student majoring in marketing; must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a Kentucky resident majoring in one of the physical sciences or within the Department of Technology; must be a full-time student and have a minimum ACT score of 20 and GPA of 3.25.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a graduating student from Ludlow High School or a school in Boone County. Must have a minimum ACT composite score of 18.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Requirements: Available to incoming freshmen students declaring majors in the following STEM disciplines: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Information Technology, Data Science, Engineering Pre-Major, Electronics Engineering Technology, Environmental Science, Geology, Mathematics, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Mechatronics Engineering Technology, Neuroscience, Physics, Pre-Engineering, or Statistics.
Students must have an ACT composite score of 25 or higher and rank in the top 25% of their high school class.
Applicants must complete their admissions application and submit any required application fees, high school transcript(s), and ACT or SAT scores to be considered.
Select students will participate in an on campus scholarship interview during the spring semester for final consideration.
Amount: Full in-state tuition and books (Scholarship recipients can only utilize one full NKU tuition scholarship/waiver)
Renewal Requirements:
Eligibility: Must be admitted to NKU and registered with the Office of Disability Services and provide documentation of physical disability; must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must have at least a 3.50 GPA; must have a declared major in the College of Business; must demonstrate a high level of community service.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a full-time student; must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA; must be employed at Steely Library for at least two semesters.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions
To Apply: Steely Library, Sherry Cucchiara, 859-572-5348
Eligibility: Must be admitted to NKU as a degree-seeking, incoming freshman; must have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher; must demonstrate financial need as determined by completing the FAFSA.
Amount: $10,000 per year for one individual student.
Duration: One academic year, renewable for up to 3 additional years if student remains full-time status and maintains a GPA of 2.8 or higher
Eligibility: Must be a Political Science major and maintain good academic standing.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a declared psychology major; must be of junior standing with at least 30 hours being completed at NKU; must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a declared history major; must be of junior standing with at least 30 hours being completed at NKU; must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must have a declared major/pre-major in the College of Business; must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 semester hours in the semester of application; must have completed a minimum of 61 semester hours (junior standing).
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a sophomore with a declared major in the College of Business; must be a resident of Boone, Campbell, or Kenton County in Kentucky with preference given to a Campbell County resident.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions
Eligibility: Student must have a 3.0 or higher high school grade-point average and an ACT score of 26 or higher. First preference will be given to students who meet this academic scholarship criteria, reside in Bracken and Pendleton Counties and maintain a major in pre-engineering or engineering related fields which include the STEM disciplines (Math, the natural sciences, Computer Science, Computer Information Technology, or Media Informatics).
Additional scholarship consideration will be given to students who reside in Bracken or Pendleton Counties, but who are not majoring in STEM disciplines, students who reside in the Northern Kentucky service region (outside Bracken or Pendleton County) who select a major in pre-engineering or engineering related fields which include the STEM disciplines (Math, the natural sciences, Computer Science, Computer Information Technology or Media Informatics).
Renewable for 3 additional years with the maintenance of a cumulative grade-point average of 3.25 and must have earned 24 credit hours in the previous academic year provided funding is available.
Amount: Full In-State Tuition per academic year
Eligibility: Must be a declared major in special education; must be an undergraduate with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Students receiving tuition payment from institutional, state or federal sources are not eligible. Must display advocacy for special education. Preference given to applicants who have experience working with children with special needs, a declared major in early childhood special education and/or indicate an interest in serving in an economically disadvantaged area. Application must include a recommendation by education professional or professor in the College of Education and Human Services.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as an undergraduate degree-seeking student with a declared major in Theatre with the playwriting area of concentration; must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in the major and a 2.5 or higher cumulative overall GPA; first-time freshman must have participated in a Theatre performance either in academic, community or professional Theatre; continuing students must participate in a NKU Theatre Department performance, student or faculty directed, in each year that they receive the scholarship in order to be eligible to renew the scholarship for the following academic year; must demonstrate satisfactory performance through broad appearances in students' area and evidence of continued progress, development, and ability in that area.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Contact Department of Theatre (859) 572-6362
Eligibility: Must be enrolled in technology academic curriculum or programs and must exhibit financial need.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be admitted as a degree-seeking student; must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; preference will be given to residents of Boone, Bracken, Campbell, Gallatin, Grant, Harrison, Kenton, Mason, Owen, Pendleton, and Robertson counties.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a degree-seeking student with a declared major in music; must participate in departmental ensembles; must meet academic standards as required by the university and music department.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Department of Music (859) 572-6399
Eligibility: Must be majoring in teacher education or pursuing a graduate degree in teacher education. Must demonstrate academic achievement of 2.75 cumulative GPA.
Amount: Varies
Duration: one academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be declared or intend to declare a major in vocal music with excellence in vocal music performances; must submit two letters of reference from former or present vocal instructors.
Amount: In-state tuition.
Duration: One academic year; renewable for 1-3 years.
To Apply: Department of Music (859) 572-6399
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as a undergraduate degree-seeking student with a declared major in Theatre; must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in the major and a 2.5 or higher cumulative overall GPA; first-time freshman must have participated in a Theatre performance either in academic, community or professional Theatre; continuing students must participate in a NKU Theatre Department performance, student or faculty directed, in each year that they receive the scholarship in order to be eligible to renew the scholarship for the following academic year; must demonstrate satisfactory performance through broad appearances in students' area and evidence of continued progress, development, and ability in that area; preference given to applicants who meet the university's guidelines for post-traditional students.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Contact Department of Theatre (859) 572-6362
Eligibility: Must be admitted as degree-seeking student at Northern Kentucky University with a declared major in the College of Business; must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher; preference will be given to students who have completed or are enrolled in entrepreneurship or small business development courses.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions
Eligibility: Must be a graduate of a Kentucky public high school; must be a Junior or senior majoring in education with at least a 2.8 GPA.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a declared major in Construction Management or Construction Technology. Must have a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Department of Construction Management (859) 572-5441
Eligibility: Must have major in the Department of Technology. Preference will be given to student with a major in manufacturing. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.00.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions
Eligibility: Must be admitted to Northern Kentucky University as a degree-seeking student with a declared major in the College of Business; must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher; must be enrolled full time.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as a degree-seeking student in the College of Informatics at Northern Kentucky University; incoming students must have a minimum 23 ACT score; continuing students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted as a degree-seeking student at Northern Kentucky University and majoring in Social Work; must have and maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as a degree-seeking student at Northern Kentucky University; incoming students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, minimum 23 ACT or 1050 SAT score; returning students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA; must be the first generation in their family to pursue an undergraduate degree.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a resident of Kentucky; must be admitted to the education administration graduate program in the College of Education and Human Services; preference will be given to a minority student as defined by federal guidelines.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, including summer sessions.
To Apply: College of Education (859) 572-6320
Eligibility: Must be a degree-seeking student enrolled in at least six credit hours; must be in good academic standing; must submit a portfolio of at least 10 pages of original poetry selections.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must have a declared major in manufacturing engineering technology; must have a minimum GPA of 3.00 in major and 2.75 cumulative.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be admitted to NKU with a declared major in the Department of Communication.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic, year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Applicants must be a member of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity; must have two letters of recommendation; must demonstrate leadership capabilities; must have completed three semesters toward their undergraduate degree and have a minimum GPA of 3.0
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a music major enrolled in at least 12 credit hours.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year.
To Apply: Music (859) 572-5421
Eligibility: Must be a declared pre-marketing or marketing major in the College of Business. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Must be enrolled full-time.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a marketing, management, business administration, pre-engineering or construction technology major; must be a resident of Boone, Campbell, Gallatin, Grant, Kenton, Owen or Pendleton County in Kentucky; must demonstrate financial need.*
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must declare a major in the College of Business; must have been working or have worked in the hospitality industry for a minimum of six months; first time freshmen must have a GPA of 3.00; continuing students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 and a GPA of 3.25 in the business major; must be a resident of Boone, Kenton or Campbell County in Kentucky.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a member in good standing of the University’s Eta Rho Chapter/Pi Kappa Alpha (PIKE) Fraternity
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a full-time degree-seeking student at NKU with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and have earned at least 24 credit hours; must be a resident of Boone, Kenton, Campbell, Pendleton, Grant, Bracken or Gallatin County and demonstrate leadership abilities and campus or community involvement.
Duration: Varies.
Eligibility: Must be enrolled in a communication field of study as a degree-seeking student in the College of Informatics Communication Dept. Must have earned 30 hours, have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and be taking at least 12 credit hours.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must have attained the minimum equivalent credit hours of a second year undergraduate degree student in any College of Informatics bachelor degree programs. Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and no prior international travel experience at the time of scholarship application. Preference will be given to students who exhibit promise but have not necessarily excelled academically. Preference will be given to students travelling to non-English speaking or developing countries.
Amount: Varies
Duration: Semester during which international travel occurs
Eligibility: First-time freshmen must have a declared major in nursing with a minimum ACT score of 21; must be a resident of Boone, Campbell, Kenton, Grant or Pendleton County in Kentucky; continuing student must have a declared major in nursing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0; must be a resident of Boone, Campbell, Kenton, Grant or Pendleton County in Kentucky.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission through the Gateway2NKU program; must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA; must display financial need as determined by the FAFSA; must be pursuing one of the following major fields of study: Accounting, Business Informatics or Business Management.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Requirements: Available to incoming freshmen students declaring majors in the following STEM disciplines: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Information Technology, Data Science, Engineering Pre-Major, Electronics Engineering Technology, Environmental Science, Geology, Mathematics, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Mechatronics Engineering Technology, Neuroscience, Physics, Pre-Engineering, or Statistics.
Students must have an ACT Mathematics score of 23 or higher or SAT Mathematics score of 560 or higher.
Student must display financial need as determined by the FAFSA.
Applicants must complete their admissions application by February 15th, 2019, Submit the $40 application fee, high school transcript(s), and ACT or SAT scores to be considered.
Select students will participate in an on campus scholarship interview during the spring semester for final consideration.
Students receiving the S3OAR Scholarship must participate in the S3OAR Scholars Program
Amount: Maximum of $10,000 towards tuition, books, and/or housing based on need.
Renewal Requirements:
Eligibility: Must be a declared major in the Department of Art with a 3.0 GPA in art department courses and a 2.5 GPA overall. Preference will be given to a student working in photography or computer-based imaging.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Visual Arts (859) 572-5421
Eligibility: Must be an undergraduate student admitted into the Library Informatics program.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a continuing student maintaining a 2.75 cumulative GPA and must have declared and been accepted into the middle grades or secondary education major field of study.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a female student attending Northern Kentucky University.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be admitted to NKU as a degree-seeking student; must work as a student employee in the intercollegiate athletics development office; must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher; preference given to Kentucky residents.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Office of Intercollegiate Athletics (859) 572-5193
Eligibility: Awarded to junior and senior journalism students from the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati area majoring in print, broadcast media or digital news. Scholarship is based on outstanding achievement, demonstrated by academic performance, successful internships in the field, and/or work on the campus newspaper or broadcast station. Student must be enrolled at NKU and in good academic standing.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be enrolled in a Department of Computer Sciences major.
Amount: Varies each semester.
Duration: Academic semester (fall, spring, and summer).
To Apply: Department of Computer Science (859) 572-6930
Eligibility: Must be admitted to the NKU Honors Program; must have a minimum GPA of 3.5; must have completed at least two Honors Program courses; must have completed at least 24 credit hours; must have a major or pre-major in the College of Business.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as a degree-seeking student at NKU; must be a resident of Mauritania at the time of application; preference will be given to applicants who have extracurricular involvement with the Nouakchott Kings Soccer Academy in Nouakchott, Mauritania; must maintain good academic standing to be considered for renewal.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree program, continuing students must adhere to and remain enrolled in the BSN degree program.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate English major who is a resident of Kentucky with a cumulative GPA of 2.85 or higher. Must submit a copy of your transcript (photocopy or printout acceptable), two letters of recommendation (at least one from a professor), and an explanation in 300 words or less of why you believe you should be awarded the Stallings English Scholarship (on a separate page, typed).
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
To Apply: Department of English (859) 572-5416
Eligibility: Must be a degree-seeking student; must have a minimum 23 ACT score; continuing students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA; must have declared Social Studies Education as their major.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as a degree-seeking student at NKU and must be a member of the Boys and Girls Club in the greater Cincinnati area.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted as a degree-seeking student; must have a minimum 2.8 GPA; preference given to those students living in: Boone, Bracken, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Kenton, Mason, Owen, and Pendleton counties.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as a degree-seeking student at Northern Kentucky University; must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher; must be pursuing a major in World Languages and Literatures; must be in their second year and/or past the intermediate 202-level classes; must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. Student must be participating in an approved rigorous, culturally immersive study abroad programs that offer the opportunity for personal growth, academic achievement, and a competitive edge in an increasingly global society.
Amount: Dependent upon available funds.
Duration: For the semester in which the student is studying abroad.
Eligibility: Must have a declared major in Psychology; Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher; Must be registered with the Office of Disability Services at Northern Kentucky University; Preference shall be given to those applicants who have achieved senior standing.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a Kentucky resident with a declared Nursing major. Preference will be given to applicants with a GPA of 2.5 or above who are graduates of Dayton High School, Pendleton County High School, or Campbell County High School.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer session.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as a full-time degree-seeking student with a minimum ACT score of 23 or a continuing student with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Must have declared a major in the College of Informatics. Preference will be given to a student with a declared major in Computer Science.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted for admission as a degree-seeking student at Northern Kentucky University; must display financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) from the U.S. Department of Education; must be a student parent; preference will be given to single student parent(s).
Amount: Varies, determined by available funds.
Duration: One academic year.
Eligibility: Must be a junior or senior enrolled in 12 or more credit hours per semester; Must major in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Business Informatics, Communication Studies or Economics; Must maintain a minimum cumulative gpa of 3.0; Must demonstrate need as determined by the FAFSA.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Continuing students must have completed 12 credit hours with a minimum cumulative GPA or 3.25; must reside on campus; consideration is given to geographical location of applicant’s permanent address.
Amount: Equal to the least expensive on campus housing charge and includes a meal plan.
Duration: one academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a graduate of Newport Central Catholic High School who demonstrates financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Preference will be given to eligible applicants who were members of the Newport Central Catholic soccer team.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Provide financial support to promising and talented students committed to pursuing a degree in Social Work. Students who reside in Boone, Campbell, Grant, Kenton or Pendleton counties and are single parents are given preference for this scholarship. Must show signs of academic achievement.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, recipient may reapply.
Eligibility: Must be enrolled in twelve or more hours in nursing courses and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher; must complete an application, including personal characteristics that contribute to nursing, past and current accomplishments, community involvement, personal goals for the future, and financial circumstances. Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need.*
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a degree-seeking student and have completed one semester at NKU. Must have a declared major in History or Geography: must be eligible to participate in the chosen study abroad program. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 at time of application. Must have a FAFSA on file.
Amount: Varies
Duration: Varies
Eligibility: Must have a 2.5 minimum GPA, Must declare a minor (or a major should one exist) in Social Justice. Preference will be given to a student who demonstrates financial need as defined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Preference will be given to a student who has declared a major within the college of Education and Human Services.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be a high school or GED graduate; must be accepted an approved program of study (see below) that leads to an industry-recognized certificate in a high-demand workforce sector; have not earned an associate’s degree or higher.
Eligible NKU certificates for the 2018-19 academic year are:
Amount: Varies.
Duration: 60 credit hours
Eligibility: Must be an undergraduate enrolled in at least 6 credit hours.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One award for academic year; various awards for fall semester only.
To Apply: Student Government Association (859) 572-5149
Eligibility: Must be either junior or senior status currently enrolled at NKU. Must have submitted a FAFSA. Must have a 3.0 GPA. Must demonstrate leadership in both NKY activities and community activities.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Incoming students must have a 23 ACT score and continuing students must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Must have declared a major in the College of Informatics. Must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Must display financial need as determined by the FAFSA. Preference will be given to students who are age 24 or older.
Amount: Varies
Duration: One academic year excluding summer sessions.
Eligibility: Must be accepted as a degree-seeking student; must have a minimum 23 ACT score; continuing students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA; must be enrolled in the NKU Honors Program.
Amount: Varies.
Duration: One academic year, excluding summer sessions.
Northern Kentucky University awards more than one million dollars in academic scholarships each year to incoming freshman. The scholarship process is very competitive. Generally, students with academic merits at these levels or higher will receive consideration.
Meeting the guidelines listed below does not guarantee you a scholarship offer, but we can ensure each applicant will receive careful consideration and fair treatment in what is a very competitive process.
Merit scholarships are awarded for eight consecutive fall and spring semesters of full-time undergraduate work. Each scholarship has specific academic renewal requirements.
To determine a student's financial need, Northern Kentucky University uses the Free Application for Financial Student Aid (FAFSA). This form must be completed with the results sent to the university for consideration of need-based scholarships.
Northern Kentucky University shall provide equal opportunity in all aspects of employment, education,and activities without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability or veteran status.